

Growth is a poem filled with choices, a collision of hearts in communication, and a wonderful journey of exploration.




In this era of diverse integration, the children of PICLC have embarked on a journey of interdisciplinary inquiry learning.



IB PYP项目的视野里,孩子们被视作是与生俱来的探索者,他们怀揣着无限的好奇,自由地创造着属于自己的精彩篇章。

In the perspective of the IB PYP project, children are seen as innate explorers, carrying infinite curiosity and freely creating their own wonderful chapters.




“Life is like a journey of constant choices, and each choice is a new starting point.”




For children in the small class, Choosing toys, games, and partners might seem insignificant, but for the toddler class, this is the starting point towards independent thinking and decision-making.




“Oh, which one is better to choose? ” The children frowned and pondered seriously Let me choose Jack. In the role-playing activity “Jack and Bean Stems”, the children actively explore the story and its characters.




In the IB interdisciplinary exploration course, children not only gain knowledge and skills, but also cultivate important qualities such as independent thinking, independent decision-making, and social skills in the most subtle way.





“Communication is the bridge of the soul and the bond of friendship.”




The middle class is a critical period for children’s social development, and the emergence of conflicts has gradually made them realize the importance of communication. Based on the theme of IB “friends”, children learn how to express their own ideas and listen to the voices of others by exploring “communication”.









Exercise communication in group discussions

Resolve conflicts in communication

Provide communication, mutual understanding, and care

Strive to speak my voice

N whimsical ideas of children

Laying a solid foundation for their future international exchanges




In this journey of exploration full of discoveries, children not only learned the importance of communication, but also developed the ability of cross-cultural communication. Their imaginative ideas, like bright stars, will illuminate the journey of the future ship of friendship.





The sun, with its infinite energy, quietly influences every sand, stone, plant, and tree on Earth.




This exploration journey with the theme of “the sun”, children pursue the traces of the sun with curious eyes.




In the snow experiment, they touched the combination of water and light, and felt the wonders of nature.




In the cloud experiment, the cotton like clouds tell the secret between the sun and the atmosphere.




And the sundial allowed children to measure the steps of time with their own hands, feeling the wisdom of ancient people in observing and timing the sun.




The children write on a paper plate, with chopsticks inserted in the middle, and set the direction in the sunlight. They judge the basic time based on the shadow of the chopsticks.




In this exploration journey, children not only learned knowledge, but also planted a love and awe for nature and the world in their hearts.




Every choice is a new departure, every communication is a collision of hearts, and every exploration is a wonderful journey.




These experiences together constitute a unique growth story for children, and also make them more confident, composed, and determined on their future path.


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