孩子们对世界充满了好奇和想象。而万圣节,是他们探索幻想世界的契机。Children are filled with curiosity and imagination about the world. And Halloween is their opportunity to explore this world of fantasy.
Therefore, PICLC has embarked on a journey to explore the magical world, encouraging children to explore the unknown and bravely face their fears.
Today’s children have become the stars of picture book stories, creating stories about courage and imagination in unique ways.
Every creation is a “magic”
Every child is a born artist. Their creations are journeys of exploring the world and self-understanding.
Children stand in front of their works, with voices that are young but powerful, proudly sharing their exploration results and reading gains of the past two months with their parents.
Every work on the display exhibition shows the children’s exploration and gains. Isn’t this telling the story of their little moments in life at PICLC?
Every performance is like the surprise of turning the page of a story
At PICLC, everywhere is a stage for children, whether it’s a display exhibition or a theater.
Children transform into picture book characters, through accessories, masks, and costumes. They release boundless imagination and creativity in their disguise. This is not just a costume game, but a pursuit of dreams and passions deep within.
On stage, children seem to have infinite possibilities. They become the protagonists of the picture book stories, using songs and dances to convey the power of joy and growth. Each note’s jump is like the surprise of turning a page; every interaction between characters is the children showing their inner world full of laughter, doubts, exploration, and growth.
The stage is not only for children but also for parents and teachers. They adapt the children’s favorite picture book stories into dramas, demonstrating the plots, characters, and emotions of the stories, allowing children to feel the wisdom contained in the stories.
This way of “reading” deeply arouses the children’s imagination and curiosity.
Every initiative is a beautiful promise
“Trick or treat” – this is the most intense desire and joy in children’s hearts.
They go in groups, going to ask for colorful candies. These candies are a unique way of acceptance and conveying love, blessed with the wishes and expectations of teachers and parents. The children’s hearts are like a big candy box, filled with endless sweetness and anticipation.
On this day, children have learned to share and comprehend the wonderful balance of giving and receiving, and have also felt the magic charm of sharing and respect.
Just like candy, giving brings joy to others, and you will also feel sweet. Respecting others is to respect oneself, sharing happiness will double the joy.
Every game is a wonderful adventure
The source of happiness is not only sharing but also games.
游戏像是一面镜子,让我们看到孩子的内心和外在的世界。无论是童年的欢乐和幻想,还是成长的挫折和勇气,都在游戏场上得到了释放和表达。Games are like a mirror, letting us see the inner and outer world of children. Whether it’s childhood joy and fantasy, or growing up’s setbacks and courage, all are expressed and released on the game field.
The PICLC game field makes the children lose themselves in fun:
- 面部彩绘,是孩子们最喜欢的游戏,充满了童趣和幻想;
- Face painting, the children’s favorite game, is full of childlike fun and fantasy;
- 音乐椅,快乐旋律中,充满了紧张和刺激;
- Musical chairs, full of tension and excitement in the happy melody;
- 踩南瓜气球,那是一种瞬间的决断和勇气;
- Stepping on pumpkin balloons, that’s a moment of decision and courage;
- 鬼跳袋,每一次的跳跃都让孩子们更加坚定和勇敢;
- Sack race, every jump makes the children more determined and brave;
- 还有能量靴、南瓜高尔夫、蜘蛛赛跑、弹跳气球等等。
- And there are energy boots, pumpkin golf, spider racing, bouncing balloons, and so on.
Each game is a wonderful adventure, letting the children understand unity, love, courage, patience, carefulness, and self-transcendence, and also awakening the childlike fun and poetry deep in the hearts of parents.
During the play process, children learned the history, customs, and traditions of Halloween; understood the story and meaning behind “trick or treat”; and realized that Halloween is not just a grand carnival, but also a culture and heritage.
Courage is an inner strength that can only fly high when released.
Halloween is a creative celebration and a lively and interesting fantasy feast. PICLC hopes that through this day’s exploration journey, children can:
- 在每一个角色背后,学习到无畏前行的勇气;
- Learn the courage to forge ahead behind each character;
- 在陈述作品的每一个时刻,感受到阅读的力量;
- Feel the power of reading at every moment of presenting works;
- 在超越自我的尝试中,铸就出未来之路上的自信与创造力;
- Forging confidence and creativity on the path to the future in self-transcendence attempts;
- 用独特方式打开内心大门,发现无尽可能性;
- Open the door to endless possibilities in unique ways;
- 在未来的每一天,都勇敢展示真我、探索未知领域。
- Show their true selves, explore unknown fields bravely every day in the future.
Let’s look forward to the next interaction of the PICLC community and the surprises and touches that children will bring us.