PICLC大阅读计划 | 苏斯博士月,我们是这么玩转英语阅读的


reating a love for reading during early childhood is important. Early reading in early childhood can not only promote children’s reading interest and broaden their horizons, but also develop children’s abilities in many aspects, such as: improving children’s language communication ability; Helping children focus their attention; Developing children’s thinking ability.

Children love stories, so it’s a great time to create a joy for reading books. Giving children the space to read and then apply what they’ve learned through teacher-led activities and also free-play time helped us achieve our goals.

Therefore, after many meetings and discussions between the teaching and research team and teachers, our Dr. Suess Reading Month was born!


孩子们喜欢听故事,通过故事培养阅读兴趣再好不过了 。因此,我们的苏斯博士阅读月诞生啦!由教师主导,引导孩子在活动中运用他们了解的故事及学到的知识,让孩子真正爱上阅读。



This activity is mainly divided into the following sections: kindergarten morning reading, class activities, theme environmental innovation and camp closing activities.


➤ Morning Reading 园级晨读



In the morning reading session, we encouraged children to actively participate in the morning reading in the form of accumulated stickers, and finally won the medal of reading month in the camp activity by virtue of the number of stickers.

From the first day to the last day of the activity, we can see the babies rushing into the campus every day, for fear of taking one less sticker.



➤ Intensive Reading 班级精读



In class activities, under the guidance of the teacher, the babies had a deeper understanding of the picture book through extensive reading and intensive reading, and were able to express their ideas about the story in the picture book.

The reading led by the teacher also made the babies interested in the exploration of picture books.




➤ Campus Environment Enrichment 主题环境布置



Of course, the success of Reading Month is also inseparable from environmental innovation. All kinds of books, dolls, patterns and decorations about Dr. Suess on the campus amazed the babies, which further stimulated their curiosity about picture books and their desire to explore the truth.



➤ Final Unit Exhibition 结题表演



Today, the parents were happy to join us and be a part of the fun activities we had. In the morning the parents and children were able to take fun photos at our Dr. Seuss display area.

The parents joyfully watched the performances of each class. Laughter and excitement filled the halls this morning as we got ready to show the parents what we’ve learned during our reading month.

We chose our favourite book and put together a fun performance to show our parents.

  • Some classes chose to sing a song related to their book of choice.
  • Others put on a drama of their favourite book.
  • Some classes put their small classes on the stage, and even some classes adapted the poems they liked in books into a song and connected them in the form of small movies.




Persistence and the hope for a prize kept everyone’s focus as we prepared for our performances.

Everyone was happy to share their favourite story with their parents today through songs and acting. Parents were proud to see their children’s efforts in this reading month.

At the end of the performance, the parents applauded their children’s efforts.

At the end of the activity, the smiles on the children’s faces and the prizes and gifts in their arms brought today’s happy memories to a complete end.









➤ 画风天马行空、很对孩子口味



➤ 韵律令人拍案叫绝、孩子轻松地学习英语



➤ 故事简单有趣,且有教育意义



➤ 分级科学,难度适中

苏斯博士在创作时考虑到了不同年龄孩子的英文水平。Harper Collins出版的这套苏斯博士,根据难度将苏斯博士的20本经典故事分成了三个级别:Blue Back蓝背、Green Back绿背、Yellow Back黄背,可以让孩子根据三个级别循序渐进地进行阅读。

第一阶段 蓝脊书 Blue back books:

for sharing with your child(亲子阅读)

第二阶段 绿脊书 Green back books:

for children just beginning to read on their own(迈向自主阅读)

第三阶段 黄脊书 Yellow back books:

for fluent readers to enjoy(独立阅读)

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