我的居家生活 | 用音乐与舞蹈,静待花开

Music is an indispensable part of kindergarten education, it can cultivate character and emotion, and is of great help to children’s intellectual development. Musical education advocates originality, allowing children to enjoy music through participation. Music combines different education methods such as singing and dancing, performance, monologue, drama, recitation and artistic modeling.


Music and dance class in PICLC have always been like this. The sudden return of the virus has affected the semester plans, what are Princeton teachers and children doing during these time?


Under the guidance of the teacher children can follow direction and play. They can understand and appreciate the instruments and sounds, learning to sing and follow a rhythem at the same time. Children can enjoy singing and dancing to the music, it helps them really appreciate the beauty of music.


In the scale of Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Xi, feel the beauty and joy of music. In this spring of willows and flowers, we fight the Covid together and patiently wait for the time to play on the playground.

Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Xi的欢快音阶伴随着春天的阳光,透过窗台,洒落在孩子们的琴键上,铺满家中的每一个角落。春风徐徐,埋下希望,静待柳暗花明。

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