浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

Mother’s Day is that time of the year when we show our love and appreciation for our mothers. Kids at PICLC learned all about the love and care they receive from their mothers, and we also had some fun activities and made gifts for our moms.


浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动




After we learned about the importance of Mother’s Day, the students from Lion class, Koala class, Giraffe class, Elephant class and Ladybug class made phone cases for their mothers. Each phone case is special and unique, just like our moms.

带着浓浓的爱意,在老师和大家分享了母亲节的内容后,lion class,koala class,giraffe class,elephant class 和ladybug class的宝贝们为妈们DIY了手机壳,每一份手机壳的材料都不同,成果也各自不一,象征了宝贝们对妈妈独一无二的爱。

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

Students from Parrot class invited parents to understand Mother’s Day Parrot class. We really appreciate parents for coming to spend time with us!

Parrot class的宝贝们跟着今天的家长助教了解了插画的相关知识;花样母爱,芳馨相伴。

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

Rabbit class made beautiful handbags for mom. We hope they like them very much!

Rabbit class 是制作了创意手袋。美好的祝福凝聚其中,mummy,你们是最美的女神!

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

Kangaroo and Starfish class learned a song about Mother’s Day. Maybe we can sing it to mom!

Kangroo class、starfish class学习了关于母亲节的歌谣。Kiss kiss kiss!要记得亲亲我们的妈妈哦!

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

In addition to making mom a beautiful crown, Bear class experienced how hard it is to go about the day while pregnant by stuffing a ball in our shirt. Bear class can now definitely appreciate a mother’s sacrifice!

Bear class 的宝贝们除了制作皇冠头饰,还体验了“孕妈妈”的过程,怀孕的过程真的很辛苦呢!

浓情五月天 感恩母亲节——PICLC母亲节主题活动

Being a mom is hard work, unpaid, and often a thankless job, so we hope that all of our PICLC moms feel loved and appreciated! Have a happy Mother’s Day!


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