The holiday season is upon us again, and here at Princeton we have been delving right into holiday festivities and events! The school has literally been lit up in preparation, and the lights glowing from around the halls and classrooms is equally felt in all of us here as we celebrate the most wonderful time of the year.
In December, we created our very own Flea Market and every class stocked up their booths with toys and trinkets from home. Every class had a chance to participate both as buyers and sellers, and everyone had a great time wandering through and finding their own personal treasures.
In the Christmas spirit of giving, all the proceeds went to charitable causes, and the students had a lot of fun bartering and exploring the various wares.
Throughout the month of December we also had a weekly story time session, giving teachers from each class an opportunity to read their favorite stories to the entire school. Our students of every age were able to enjoy tales in both Chinese and English, and the teachers really captivated everyone with their creative and often interactive performances.
After each class had a chance to share, we wrapped up by watching a coming-of-age Christmas film. It truly was a month of fairy tales, magic, and memories.
Of course, the big celebration this month was Christmas, Christmas, and even more Christmas! While the foreign teachers kept busy practicing their Christmas play about a certain red-nosed reindeer, the local teachers illuminated the stage with a dazzling dance and light performance.
Even the students had a chance to take part in the show, crafting their own unique Christmas lanterns beforehand, lighting and placing them on stage, and sealing them with a Christmas wish. Each class also had a chance to perform a holiday song on stage, and the entire school was filled with music and cheer.
After the singing and dancing, Santa Claus himself stopped by to give gifts to our wonderful Principal and staff at Princeton, and stuck around to surprise the students with even more presents and holiday treats.
当然,圣诞节的重中之重还是我们的圣诞盛会,外籍老师们马不停蹄地,日复一日地排练着他们的舞台剧,为的就是圣诞这一天可以给大家一个完美的亮相。果然不负众望,在活动当天为大家带来了精彩绝伦的舞台剧《Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer》。不过我们中教老师也是个个能歌善舞,为了能给所有人一个惊喜,中教老师也是每天中午加紧排练。
除了老师们的表演,当然也少不了孩子们的盛装出席与演出,小班的小朋友们个个可爱萌萌哒,给大家带来了一首《We wish you Merry Christmas》,祝福大家圣诞快乐;中班的孩子们带上雪花道具,吟唱了一首《Little Snowflake》,让大家一起感受冬天里雪花飞舞的浪漫;轮到大班孩子们上场表演,他们整齐统一的服装,还有嘹亮的歌声,为在场所有人的人带来了一曲《Jingle Bell》,演唱结束之后,所有人都为孩子们出色的表演鼓掌喝彩。
After completing all of the monthly activities and our Christmas gala, the teachers and staff at Princeton took a hard-earned rest and celebrated with a birthday and holiday party.
Everyone had a chance to enjoy some wonderful refreshments, discuss holiday plans, and exchange gifts from our own secret Santa activity. We also celebrated all of the birthdays with a lovely cake and games, putting a giving a nice finishing touch to a quite momentous holiday season.
Through all of the hustle and bustle, dancing, singing, laughing, eating, gift-giving, and general merriment, everyone remained in high spirits, and made sure to keep the holiday spirit of good will and care towards all in full effect. From everyone here at Princeton, we wish you and your loved ones a wonderful, safe, and unforgettable holiday!