Thanksgiving, we are ready
This year Thanksgiving occurred on Thursday, November 26 2020.
Thanksgiving started early, on Wednesday the staff carried down their tables and chairs to start setting up for our feast that took place in the Golden Hall.
Early on Thanksgiving morning our eager parents arrived to help with the decoration and preparing of the tables. After their talented and hardworking hands were finished with the Golden Hall it looked suitable for kings and queens.
The parents continued to help the staff trough out the day and for that we are thankful. Thank you for making our hands strong and showing the students how the PICLC family works together.
Thank you for growing up with me
This year at PICLC we gathered in grateful appreciation of students and staff members. Each class made a Thanksgiving card to show their appreciation of our hardworking staff members. They showed their creativity through numerous ways and made the most beautiful crafts. It is hard showing our gratitude in only one day but the classes did their best with the task at hand.
Bear class 小熊班
The Bear class showed their gratitude by giving our Principal, Ms Danny, a thank you tree created by our toddlers using fingerprints as a personal touch. Ms Danny always gives individual attention to each child and takes the time to personally know each student this is why this gift was so suitable for our Principal and leader.
Giraffe class 长颈鹿班
The back bone of the school is our staff you first see when walking through the gates. The giraffe class was privileged enough to be selected to show gratitude towards their hard work. They made turkeys with the help of their teachers to give to Ms Tiantian our Administrative assistant and Ms Eva, Teaching assistant.
Rabbit class 兔子班
One of our favorite enrichment classes is singing and dancing. The Rabbit class made sure to give a big thanks to our best singing and dancing teacher Ms. Shirley who always welcomes every student with a smile and makes our ears beg for more when she sings with us in the classroom.
Elephant class 大象班
The Elephants gave thanks to the strong and brave security guards that put their own safety aside to make sure that every single person at PICLC is safe and feels at home. They made turkeys using their hand prints and personally gave them to the security with a big thank you and happy thanksgiving.
Parrot class 鹦鹉班
How do you say thank you to one of our hardest working staff members? The Parrot class gave us the answer by making Ms. Ma a hand crafted turkey hat using the hand prints of the students. Thank you Ms. Ma for all your hard work it does not go unrecognized.
Kangaroo class 袋鼠班
It is a daunting task to make a piece of art for the world best art teacher, Ms Cherry, but the Kangaroo class was up for the task making a big thanksgiving turkey with painted hands as its tail.
Ladybug class 瓢虫班
The Ladybugs gave a big thank you to the school doctor and Ms Lolita for their hard work and loving way of treating the students. Thank you for always keeping us healthy and organized!
你是否注意到那些早出晚归的忙碌身影,他们工作虽然辛苦,但是能给我们家一般的感觉!谢谢园医和后勤罗主任,谢谢你们,一直为我们的健康保驾护航,让我们学习之外的生活更加丰富多彩! 瓢虫班的孩子们,制作了精美的小礼物,以此表达对园医和后勤主任罗老师的感谢之情!
Koala class 考拉班
A truly honourable task was given to the Koala class in showing gratitude towards Ms. Yaya. The koala class succeeded in this challenge giving her a token of their appreciation, wearing their hand made turkey hats in the process.
Lion class 狮子班
Saying thank you does not begin to show our gratitude for Ms. Doreen that puts in so much hard work and never expects anything in return. The lion class had the opportunity to say thank you to Ms. Doreen for everything she does for us by giving her a turkey which they wrote on the things they are most thankful for.
Thanksgiving feast
After that we assembled in the hall for a traditional thanksgiving feast. We had an interesting lesson on Thanksgiving history and what Thanksgiving means to us today. Our very talented chef also showed us how to carve a turkey. We sat down for the delicious feast and gave thanks together.
● Turkey 火鸡
For most households, the turkey takes front and centre at the Thanksgiving feast, and for us it was no different Whether it’s roasted, smoked, brined, or fried, achieving that perfect blend of crackled outer skin and moist inner meat is an art. The Chef’s and kitchen staff out did themselves with the preparing of the turkey.
● Gravy 肉汁
Once you’ve removed the turkey from the oven, it’s gravy time. Made from the drippings on the bottom of the pan, turkey gravy is a meaty sauce that can be applied liberally across nearly every part of the Thanksgiving meal.
●Mashed potatoes 土豆泥
Smothered in the meaty gravy sauce, mashed potatoes are maybe the most delicious dish on the Thanksgiving dinner menu. Our staff made sure that this delicacy did not disappoint.
● Corn 玉米
Cooked to perfection, the kitchen staff treated us to some mouth-watering seasonal corn.
● Garlic bread 蒜蓉面包
To ensure our plates were properly overflowing with food the Chefs prepared garlic bread that was out of this world.
● Apple pie 苹果派
Seasonal, sweet, and satisfying, apple pie was our classic Thanksgiving dessert for the day and it was absolutely delicious.
The Golden Hall grew quiet as everyone started to feast on the amazing food that was prepared for us. This was a day to be truly thankful for every single participant that contributes to the success of PICLC
We would like to thank all our teachers and staff for their hard work especially during a time like this. Your enthusiasm, passion and dedication does not go unseen and we are thankful for you every day.